Monday 30 April 2012

Evaluation Question 6

Reece -
Final Cut Pro - I have learnt how to transfer clips from the camera to the program. I have learnt how to mark in and mark out and cut clips, add in soundtracks, sounds etc. I have basically learnt the basics for this program.

Calvin -
Blog - I learnt how to write relevant blogposts, that related to our media topics. I learnt how to change the layout of our blog and how to add tags and labels. I also learnt how to add pictures and videos on specific posts.

Peter -
YouTube - We had watched clips off YouTube of other Media A Level opening scenes. They had helped us by showing us what is right or wrong. It's shown us what is right or wrong. It's shown us what music to use and what sounds sound better.

Henry -
Camera & Garageband - I learnt how to work a camera, i learnt how to shoot from different angles which look good. I learnt how to make a soundtrack in time with the videos and how to pick sounds which will fit the horror genre.

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