Tuesday 1 May 2012

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
We had to make casting decisions to relate to the story line and setting that we chose for our opening. We chose a specific genre. Having our main character as an 18 year old boy fitted into our genre perfectly. We attracted our audience by the choice of characters and the narrative that we created. Using younger characters and a ominous situation that may involve younger people attracted this audience. We wanted to use interesting camerawork in our sequence to entertain the audience and keep them interested such as a high angle low angle and pov shots, when the antagonist hears a knock on the door and walks outside. We also used close-ups in scenes of the girl in the forest to show urgency and emotion. We used generic conventions of a pyschological thriller in our sequence such as short shot duration to create suspense and tension. I feel the ending to our opening scene is well filmed the use of the phone light  to see what has happened creates more tension to the final climax of the masked protagonist who approaches the antagonist. 

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