Tuesday 24 April 2012

Question 2. Evaluation

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our opening film the young boy is represented as the social group. He is walking home from a night out with his mates and is confused. The male character walks to his door but it is already open and he doesn't know why. This is represented in a stereotypical way as he is a male teenager that has left his door open as he is not thinking ahead. This is what people think teenagers are likely to do as people think they are irresponsible. The stalker challenges the male character as he knocks on his door to confuse him and to find a way to get in. He's just come back from a night out so must be intoxicated with something. They would usually get in without knocking on the door but as hes intoxicated the stalker is kind of playing a game with the male character. This shows the audience that the teenager is not thinking ahead and what the consequences could be. Our opening sequence links to our target audience as the character is a teenager as this would be a usual situation in todays environment as most people forget to lock doors, leaving the viewers wanting to watch more to see what happens. By asking teenagers around our environment we found out that they do usually forget to do things as some don't have the responsiblity as others do.

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