Tuesday 17 April 2012

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

Scene     Time       Location       People    Equipment   Props      Notes

1                 8pm           Outside House          Peter Eyre        Camera            N/A       Peter walks up to the house from outside dark.

2                 8.03pm     Outside front door   Peter Eyre         Camera          N/A   Peter approaches the door but it is mysteriously open.

3                  8.05pm   Inside H House            Peter Eyre       Camera           N/A     Peter pushes open door, looks around and continues walking through hallway.

4               8.08pm       House Hallway          Peter Eyre          Camera       N/A       As he approaches a doorway he hears a knock on the door he turns around.

5               8.12pm        House Hallway         Peter Eyre        Camera          N/A        Then continues walking back towards the front door.

6                8.13pm      House Hallway          Peter Eyre        Camera          N/A       Match on action as Peter opens the front door then into a POV shot as he walks out of the door.

7               8.15pm     Outside front of house Peter Eyre    Camera           N/A   Walks out onto road but and looks around but cannot see anyone.

8              8.17pm     Outside House          Antagonist (Calvin) Camera   N/A    You see a black glove close the front door as Peter is outside to indicate someone has gone into house.

9           8.20pm      Outside House               Peter Eyre             Camera    N/A   Walks back towards the front door with a scared look on his face.

10     8.21pm      Inside House Hallway       Peter Eyre            Camera    N/A    Walks back down the hallway towards stairs where his bedroom is.

11     8.24pm       Living Room               Antagonist (Calvin)   Camera   N/A   As Peter walks past the living room door there is shot of a gloved hand holding a knife in front of the camera this is to indicate that Peter is in danger.

12    8.26pm      Inside the house          Peter Eyre                 Camera   Rizzla, Tobacco, Lighter    Peter walks down the stairs and into the bedroom where he turns on the lights and grabs his cigarettes.

13   8.30pm      Inside the bedroom       Peter Eyre              Camera      Rizzla, Tobacco, Lighter   Peter begins to roll a cigarette; it is shot in stages for affect.

14  8.32pm      Inside by the stairs         Calvin Morgan         Camera & Knife      Antagonist walks down the stairs and switches the lights off.

15 8.35pm      Bedroom                         Peter Eyre                 Cigarette                 Peter is about to light cigarette when he sees the lights turn off and pulls out his phone and uses his phone light.

16 8.38pm    Outside Bedroom         Peter Eyre/Calvin Morgan Phone & Knife As Peter walks out the bedroom to see what is happening to the lights he is holding up his phone, he is then approached by the antagonist Calvin who is wearing a mask and pulls out a knife on him.


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