Friday 27 April 2012

Question 3 Evaluation

  1. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
     Our age range of the film would be for 15+. The main character in our film is the boy coming back from a night out so people who have life’s like that can relate to that in our film. Targeted at a small but defined age range. 
Cinemas and dvd advertising would be the best way to distribute our film as more younger adults visit the cinema than other adults. For example, lots of younger adults visit on wednesdays as it is orange wednesdays. Advertising for younger adults would be adverts on E4, Flim4, Channel and Dave. Younger adults mostly watch these channels. Also billboards and posters on buses. 
Studio Canal would produce our film because its an independent company. There will be no opportunities for synergy and they will have to therefore target their audience in a specific way to get the best result. Small niche art centers would show this film as its a small film and not as big as others. 

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