Tuesday 17 April 2012

Costume, props and locations.

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These are some of the locations we used around the house to film our final film opening. We used most of the house to film, and got some of the best angles from these places. 
The truck provided a reflection which was perfect for one of the shots so we filmed the window of the truck which captured the movement of the characters in the reflection.
the bottom picture is the props we used for the main character, he wore the white mask to cover up his face to give a sense of secrecy, the knife was used for the murder weapon and the gloves were used to cover up his hands so every part of the killers body was covered. The final picture is of the rizzla, tobacco, the lighter and the extra slim swan filters that was used for Peter's cigarette roll. This was part of the props.

Costume: Dark tracksuit and hoody/jacket with a white mask. This dark clothing was used to make the antagonist look like a more suspicious character. It was also used to highlight the mask a bit more, this gives the character a scarier presence.

Props: In our filming we didn't use many props, the props we used were the knife, and the cigarettes. We felt if we kept it simple this would draw more attention to the knife, which would in turn help build up additional suspense.

Location: There are pictures above that shows the locations that we used in our opening sequence. We did all of our filming in Henry's house and just outside Henry's house.

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