Tuesday 24 April 2012

Question 1 Evaluation

 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our opening incorporates specific generic conventions of a thriller used in real media products such as films like Scream & Taken. We used specific camerawork techniques and a range of different camera shots  to create suspense and leaving the audience wanting to watch more. For example, zooming into close ups showing the emotion on the characters face, over the shoulder shots, but most importantly we added a POV shot which made one particular part in the opening seem real as it was shot from the main characters perspective as he went outside. We also used editing such as short shot durations,  this adds tension to the scene. The non diegetic sound of mysterious music also added suspense and tension to our opening and really worked well with the setting and the action within our opening. Finally the mise en scene the use of the knife, and the mask helps to not reveal the protaganists identity and leaves the audience confused. The conventions we used, do indicate that our film is a psychological thriller, the lighting and concept of the whole film indicates that it is a psychological thriller as it plays with the audiences mind. The editing we did, shows that we used many different angles to film one shot, which shows that it is tense as it is fast shot durations. We looked at 'Women In Black' a lot

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