Friday 27 April 2012

Evaluation Question 4

  1. Who Would Be The Audience For The Media Product?
Our media film, is aimed specifically at an age range ranging from 15 to 35. This is purely because we have a teenage theme, a teenage main character, teenage location. Our film is also relevant to the film ‘Scream’, this is a teenage film.
Scream ratings:
age: 15-24 (57%)
        25-34 (31%)
Gender: Male (52%)
              Female (48%)
We’ve based our film on ‘Scream’ statistics, so we’ve based our age ratings on the film. We’ve also aimed our film at a dominantly male audience as males tend to watch this genre of film more often than women do. 
We’ve also based our film on a wide variety of class. Our film can be watched by all classes, this is because our location is in a middle class home, and we have a middle class main character which most people can relate to. 

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