Thursday 19 April 2012

How feedback for original idea helped us

How feedback for original cut helped us in the production of our opening sequence: Before we started editing our opening sequence we made a rough cut. This was to help get feedback and to see what we needed to change to make the opening better opening sequence. This was very important as the feedback for our original opening sequence wasnt very good so we had to change the whole idea around. Our Media teacher Miss Oddy said "it simply isn't good enough boys you will not get the grade your are capable of unless you change a few things"  Although it was hard to take as a group we took the constructive criticism on the chin and began to change our whole idea. We didn't have alot of time so we had to work efficiently in order to get things done. At the time it seemed very long and stressful but now we've come through that difficult period I feel our opening sequence has now improved tremendously. This is why feedback is essential as if we didn't receieve it we would not of improved our film as a team.

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