Wednesday 29 February 2012

Analysis Of The Film 'Se7en' Opening Sequence.

In the short essay i will be analysing the opening scene from the thriller film 'Se7en'. I will use the four micro areas and other conventions used for thrillers to analyse this scene.

In the first part of the clip, it shows what seems to be one of the main characters getting dressed and ready to go somewhere. it uses a lot of close ups on his face, eyeline shots, match on action etc. This short clip of the man getting dressed shows us he is important and very organised. It shows this by the clothes he is wearing: they are very formal and neat.

the setting also shows us that he is neat and likes things to be perfect, by his house being immaculately clean, his bed made to perfection and everything is in an organised position, for example the knife, keys and watch clock.

The shots that are being used a long duration shots which show that at the moment nothing tense is happening and everything is all laid back and normal.

It then jump cuts from the man getting a phone call to the man at the scene of a crime. It starts off with a panning shot of a dead body with blood all over the floor around the body, with diegetic sounds of police over the radios. Still the durations of the shot are very long and still very laid back.

The setting for the scene of the crime is a very typical thriller setting. An apartment with low lighting and visibility, which looks very dirty and unhygienic. In the back ground of the shot you can see there is blood splattered up the wall, giving that thriller feel to the surroundings.

When the scene goes to the detective lying in the bed, there is all the diegetic sounds coming from outside, there is the sound of dogs barking, people shouting, and police sirens going off. This gives the viewer an impression that it is not a very nice area to live in.

The opening sequence then ends by very short shot duration clips of a man or a woman (identity is hidden), doing weird things with objects for example cutting their own finger with a small blade, colouring in peoples faces and underlining words with black pen, cutting out the word god from a one dollar bill etc. the duration of the shots are short and the music is quite upbeat, but brings a feel of tension into it.

Henry Kidman.

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