Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pitch Presentation

    • In this presentation we will be delivering our initial idea. In order to start planning for our psychological thriller opening sequence as a group we have planned a short pitch to present to you.
      Our pitch is based around the ideas for our opening sequence.
    • This is our initial idea for our opening horror/thriller scene, we have decided to do a short psychological thriller opening rather than focusing solely on  horror because we want to be unique and stand out from the crowd. We will add elements of horror for example blood and gore on the scene. We want our clip to have a subconscious affect on each individual in the audience's mind.We feel this will engage the audience so that they would like to watch on after the scene has finished.
    • Narrative Description know your whole story however, only produce the opening
    • Our opening sequence is going to start with a teenage boy having a very normal day, he then goes to bed and falls asleep. it then fades into a dream and weird, scary stuff starts happening around him. Things that he is unaware of at first, but then gradually becomes more aware as we go along. He will be stalked by a creature/man/woman/thing. at the beginning of the dream, he will be in a house wondering where everybody is, he walks down the stairs and the stalkers face will be in the window, the audience can see but the main character is unaware. the boy will start to get scared and he'll open the door to go outside to look for the the parents which then lets the stalker in. the stalker will torment the boy throughout the story,  at the end of the dream he will come face to face with the stalker, the stalker will go to attack the boy and when he goes to do it, the boy will wake from his dream. when he wakes up he thinks its just a dream, looks out the window, walks downstairs thinking everything normal, he will then close the door but to our surprise the stalker is there in real life hidden behind the door then revealed as the door closes behind the boy. The house will be empty in the dream, but the boy will find his dad and his mum dead (horror).

    • Protagonist (main character, good guy): teenage boy.

    • Antagonist (evil): evil stalker there to inflict pain upon the protagonist. Antagonist traps the protagonist in our scene.

    • Our sub genre is psychological thriller with elements of horror within the scene. We were brainstorming our ideas and came across the opening scene for the new film ‘Woman in Black’.

    • Key Conventions
    • Listed below are the key conventions that we will look to utilise in the production of our opening scene.
Actors positioning and movement in opening scenes is character(s) normally tend to be in the middle of the frame. Camera techniques such as canted angles and hand-held shots add un-ease to the movie. 
Sound  most films use non diegetic music playing in the background creating a sound bridge to create a certain atmosphere.
Editing jump cuts become a commonality during thriller films.
Lighting is a key aspect used in most of the films. Many thriller movies today usually use low key lighting for a majority of the movie. This provides the movie with the dark, depressing atmosphere.
Camera angles things that seem to be quite common are the low levels of framing and the high angles at certain points, the high angle is used mainly to show those in a powerful position.
Camera movement tracking and pan shots is what’s commonly used in the beginning of thriller films, particularly a certain group of people who we should be interested in as the audience.

Examples of Thriller/Horror

The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)     Woman in Black (2012)

    • Who is our target audience?
    • We have decided amongst the group that the most suitable target audience would be 15+ this is because we as a group are at this age and we know what would appeal to this age range. This means producing our opening scene will be easier and we will also be able to relate to it on the same level. We hope our scene will reach out to young teens like ourselves.
    •         - Strong sound effects, contains sex but no nudity. No one younger than 15 may see a 15 rated film in a cinema and no one younger than 15 may rent or buy a 15 rated video work.

The roles will be split between the 4 of us in the group. One of us will be the protagonist, one of us will be the antagonist and the other two will be the dad and his son who will have short shots of them throughout the scene. 
The teenage boy (protagonist) ‘Peter Eyre’
The stalker (antagonist) ‘Henry Kidman’
Father ‘Calvin Morgan’
Brother‘Reece Smith’
These roles are chosen mainly because of our preliminary task, some people didn’t get a big enough role in the play so we will give them a bigger part now.

General Locations

    • The general location used in the thriller movies depends on the story where it is set. 
    • The story will be located in a house.
    • the bigger the house the better it will be.
    • we will also use a front or back garden, for when the main character (Peter Eyre) goes looking for his parents and lets the stalker into the house. 
    • We will use various rooms of the house: Mainly the bedroom and the closet. We will also use the rest of the house just to film the characters walking round. 

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