Wednesday 8 February 2012

Analysis of 3 film openings

The first film opening i will be analysing is 'Never Back Down'. At the start, straight away the clip opens with tense non-diegetic music, this sets the mood of the clip for the audience and helps the audience get immersed into the scene. There is an establishing shot of the football pitch to show the players in the background and the people watching the match in the foreground. It then cuts to a close-up of the main character (Jake). Throughout the scene there are tracking shots which are following the players as they run around the pitch and tackle each other. Two of the players are seen to have some sort of disagreement, however Jake walks away from the confrontation. One of the two players (Jake) keeps tackling the other which causes the player that keeps being tackled to make a remark about his dad which had passed away fairly recently. This causes Jake to get into a fight with the guy that made the remark, which then consequently causes every player from both scenes to have a brawl.

The second film opening i will be analysing is 'Casino Royale'. The scene opens with an establishing shot of the building where the scene will take place. There is diegetic sound of the car approaching the building driving through the snow, and there is underlying non-diegetic tense and sinister music which is used to set the general mood of the scene, an indicator to the viewers watching it. As the man gets out of the car a low angle shot is used, this clearly shows that the man is in a position of power and is someone fairly important. When the man enters the office, the main character, James Bond (Daniel Craig) begins to talk. The scene then cuts to a flashback of Bond having a fight with the powerful man's informant. It then cuts back to the office where the powerful man pulls out his gun and tries to shoot Bond, however Bond had removed the bullets from the gun. It then flashes back again to Bond murdering the informant. Once again the scene cuts back to the office, where Bond shoots the powerful man.

The third film opening i will be analysing is 'Enemy of the State'. The scene opens with tense sad music, this automatically sets the mood to the audience. The scene shows a man driving by the river and parking to play with his dog. However a man in a car calls him over. The man with the dog is not happy with this, which shows to the viewers automatically that this is probably something he will not want to hear. The men are talking and the one who called the meeting is trying to convince the other man (who is the Chairman) to approve of something. When the Chairman gets up to leave the other man grabs him and stops him, the Chairman obviously knows at this point that he is in danger, this is shown through the close up of his face which clearly shows his expression. The Chairman is eventually allowed to leave and begins to walk off. As the Chairman gets to his car and goes to open the door, one of the men that is working for the man who called the meeting injects a needle into the Chairman's neck, which instantly kills him. This is made to look like the Chairman took an overdose and committed suicide.

Reece Smith

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