Friday 16 March 2012

9 Shot Analysis

- The first shot is a close up of a hand pouring imaginary tea in a cup, this particular shot creates an image of uncertainty and fits in with the psychological thriller genre.

SHOT 2 - In the next shot it cuts to the girl then positioning the empty cup to a china doll's mouth at this point there is still a sense of uncertainty as you still have not seen a character in the film and the non diegetic music is building suspence to a likely event to happen.

SHOT 3 - This is a long shot of three young girls sitting down dressed in rather old fashioned clothing having what looks like an imaginary tea party as young girls do.

SHOT 4 - The girls seem to stop as they hear a noise and look left suddenly all at the same time, with the non diegetic music getting louder it creates an ominous atmosphere.

SHOT 5/6 - The girls all then slowly stand up dropping any teapots or cups they were playing with and begin to walk towards glass windows whilst treading on toys heads with so much force that they snap and break.

SHOT 7 - As they approach the window the all stand on the window ledge the volume of the non diegetic music is increasing louder and louder as each shot cuts.

SHOT 8 - There is a significant match on action of the opening of the window, the shot duration is also extremely long this is to help create a mysterious and creepy atmosphere to ask yourself a question as an audience.

SHOT 9 - The most significant shot in the whole opening sequence the 3 young girls all at the exact same time jump out of each window where you hear a loud scream "ahhhh" "my babies" and the opening clips ends.

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