Wednesday 8 February 2012

Preliminary Exercise Review

About Our Task.. (Review)

After finishing our preliminary task we are all extremely happy and proud of the clip that we have produced. It was the first time a few of us had used a camera, acted and then edited on final cut pro so it was a new experience that we all looked forward to doing and now we have finished are all relieved and pleased with the outcome. 'The Estate' which was the title for our movie clip was a simple story about a young boy who was leaving his house and was on his way to school, unfortunately two youths from his school who were both heading in the wrong direction pushed him against the wall and began to chase after the boy before physically attacking him and taking his personal belonging(mobile phone). The boy is in alot of pain but manages to get himself up off the ground and holds himself up via a pole behind him. Another young boy who goes to his school asks if he is okay and asks what exactly  had happened to him. They engage in a short conversation before then putting there hoods up and walking off in the direction the two youths had gone.

The main morale of our short preliminary clip was that life is more imporant than any possession you may have, mobile phones, mp3 players etc can all be replaced but once your life has gone that is it. As a group we could relate to this clip because a few of us had been put in a similiar situation before, and so therefore felt passionate towards this topic.

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