Wednesday 29 February 2012

Analysis of ‘Inception’ Opening Scene.

Analysis of ‘Inception’ Opening Scene.

I will be analysing the opening scene of the thriller ‘Inception’ using the four micro areas and also conventions that are used in thrillers. The movie was released on 16th July 2010 in the UK.

The scene opens with a distinct establishing shot of the sea, and the waves whirling and crashing around. The editing is slow paced and the shot duration is rather long. It then cuts and changes to  a close up shot of a man who has his head in the sand and water, before the non-diegetic sound of music appears there is a cut and a two shot of two young children. One being a young boy and the other a young girl playing in the sand, there is then a POV shot to show exactly what the man is looking at as he raises his head off the wet sand followed by an eye line match. A Chinese looking man then approaches him with a long gun (it could be a rifle) and prods him in the back, as the man is not moving he calls for someone to assist him. The man in the sand is wearing black clothing as is the Chinese man that approaches him; they both have guns so therefore may both be linked to the police.

It then cuts again to inside in a building where two men are stood and one man is sat down in a chair, one of the two men begin to explain what has happened and show him the gun and another object that was found on the man as he was laying down on the sand. They seem to have captured him, he sits down at the table where the old man in the seat says “are you hear to kill me, I’ve seen one of these before” he then picks up the object that was found in the man’s pocket. There is then the sound of non-diegetic music which builds suspense and creates an ominous atmosphere in the room. During this conversation the shot transition is extremely slow, and the shot duration is long, this is so the audience can indulge in the conversation between the two men. During the conversation shot reverse shot is used, even though the man who’s head was in the sand does not reply, close ups are frequently used on him to gauge a reaction from him to what is being said to him.

There is then another cut, the man who was captured originally from the sand is now dressed in a suit with a shirt and tie and is discussing his ideas with people at the table. This is a huge jump and contrast from the opening of this scene as before it seemed as though he was going to either kill them or be killed by them. In a conversation he says “I am the most skilled extractor, I know how to search your mind and find your secrets” straight away from the dialogue you are able to understand what he does and what he is capable of doing, he wants to be let into his mind. The Chinese man then replies “Enjoy your evening gentlemen I will consider your proposal” and exits the room. There is then a sudden diegetic sound of glasses clinking together, the lights shaking and the table beginning to move. As the main character looks at his watch there is a POV shot, as the watch begins to tick tock faster and faster there is a big explosion outside, there is then the sound of non-diegetic music to build tension and suspense after the explosion occurs and then a long shot of people running and screaming down the road because of the fire explosion. The scene then ends with a man looking at the main characters watch as it continues to tick tock. The ending was extremely confusing as there is no clear indication to what is happening but it leaves the audience wondering what is going to happen next and makes them want to watch on after the scene has finished.

Calvin Morgan

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