Wednesday 8 February 2012

Analysis of 3 Film Openings

The first film I will analysis will be Forrest Gump. The opening is all about a feather, the feather floats down from the sky and the camera follows it all the way. The camera pans around the area so you can see what kind of place he lives in. As the opening flows through you see Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump (the main character) in the left hand bottom corner of the screen. The music is a good vibe and makes the viewer feel good as its calming. The feather eventually lands on a mans shoulder but suddenly flies off and rolls over a car. It then floats over slowly, under a car, and then lands straight on to his right foot. Forrest bends down and picks up the feather and stares at it likes its something he's never seen before. Forrest then lifts open his case, pulls out a book and places the feather softly down into the book. There are close ups in the first  2 minutes of Forrest.

The second film I'm analysing is Step Brothers. This is one of my favourite films, it made me laugh 24/7. At the beginning there is a quote from George W. Bush. It says 'Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream'. This is what basically the whole film is about. There is a black screen and all you can hear is the song. It makes you figure out what the actor is doing (Will Ferrell). This makes you lean in more to try and figure it out. It then shows he's putting cheese on top of his chips.It shows that he doesn't care as he just piles on the cheese and doesn't mind where it all goes. So it shows you what his attitude is like. He then places them into the microwave and presses the time he wants. Then the music kicks in. It goes straight away with what its all about. It then changes character and shows you also what he's like. He picks up a pair of pants and smells them. This shows he also doesn't care and is dirty. Will Ferrell then picks up his food and walks into the lounge and eats. All the food he has shows us that he is unhealthy and that he acts like a child. The parents both say bye to both of the two people and it shows us that they are old and are still living at home which tells us that they are childish. In this opening there are a variety a different shots. Close ups, eye line shots, and more.

The last film opening I will be analysing will be Finding Nemo. The opening first gives you a pan of the whole seen of where they are and what their coral village looks like. The two fish are then staring at their view they have in their sea enemies. The lighting is good as it shows the whole reflection that the water is doing. They then are talking as parents and the camera then shows their neighbourhood. It is shown as a happy and loving place as their is laughter and playing in the background. Then they go down and see their children in their eggs waiting to hatch. The lighting is good here as it is more darker in there as it is a little cave with no light. They then swim up to their emenie and start to have a mess around. The music starts to lighten up as its supposed to be funny. The womon fish suddenly gets pushed out and then the music just cuts and there is no one in the neighbourhood around them. They look out to sea and there is a huge baracuda out there. They pause and think as they think he's doing to eat their eggs. At this moment there is a screaching sound to show that its a tense moment in the film. All you can hear is the music and the ocean swaying. She then tries to fight off the fish but gets beaten and the male fish passes out. He wakes up slowly and his vision is blury. He swims down to look at his eggs and there is only one there. This film opening is very tense. It lines up the whole film and shows you how the male fish ended up with nemo.

Peter Eyre

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