Wednesday 28 March 2012

Editing Process

Today is our first opportunity to start editing as a group as we have finally finished all of our filming and can finally get it all together. We have spent a lot of time watching the footage and deciding which take we should use and why that shot is better than another shot, to ensure that the continuity was perfect. 

We then had to watch the beginning of our footage, and using our storyboard for reference to make sure everything was right. As we changed our idea we had to make another storyboard to show what changes we had made and how this was going to effect the filming.
Although changing our original idea was an inconvenience it was definitely the right decision to make. 

After editing this small amount of footage we have got taster of what it is like to edit an opening sequence. We are finding it very hard but enjoyable at the same time enjoyable and looking forward to seeing the final outcome.

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