Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Goodfellas 9 shot analysis.

Shot 1: This shot shows a man being tied up in the boot of a car left to die. This shot shows that the men that did this are bad people, and builds suspense as the audience want to know who this mad tied up is.

Shot 2: This shot is a long shot showing all the gangsters in the local neighbourhood, doing what they please without anybody hassling them to move. This shows the life of a gangster in a good way, which is what the main character wants his life to be like. This gives an understanding of the main character.

Shot 3: This shot is a medium close up shot. this shows the expressions and body language of the man. The dialogue in this shot and the expressions and body language of the man show that he is the boss of everyone around that neighbourhood.

Shot 4: This shot shows a dad beating up his own child. This shot shows that the law on physical abuse for punishment on children wasn't as strict as it is today, it gives an image of what life was like back in that era.

Shot 5: This shot shows a close up of the mail mans face as he is being tortured by the gangsters. This shot shows us that the gangsters that the boy is running with, will do anything to keep their business open. This shot also shows what times and people were like back in that era.

Shot 6: This shot shows that the main gangster 'Paulie' didn't like having phones and only had one on one conversations. Also, whatever he said goes, so in the thumbnail this shows the boy smashing car windows, he's only doing this because Paulie told him too.

Shot 7: This shot shows exactly what the gangsters can do at the click of their fingers and get away with it. This adds suspense and confusion on why the gangsters blew up these cars as no dialogue about this was said.

 Shot 8: This shot shows that the boy is now looking the part of a gangster. it also shows his mothers reaction, which is unimpressed and emotional. This shows that the boy had to do this in secret otherwise it would let his mum down further.

Shot 9: This show shows the first time the boy gangster has witnessed someone that was shot. It shows that he is calm about it and has to listen to the boss to get what he needs and to close the door so no authorities or other gangsters know where they are. This shows a standard gangsters life.

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