Thursday 29 March 2012

Our Group

Name of production: Pink Team Productions

Team Members: Calvin Morgan
                          Henry Kidman
                          Peter Eyre
                          Reece Smith

Target Audience Analysis (Pearl and Dean)

Target Audience

Our target audience would be for viewers at the ages of 15-35. We have picked this age because our film represents this age group as the main character is coming back from a night out as this is for the 15-35 age range group. One of our group members when to windsor town centre on a friday and a saturday night to ask the public their ages to see what age ranges go out. We made a tally chart and the lowest age was 15 and the oldest was 35 so we decided this age group would relate to our film the most. Also we have picked this age range for the target audience because there are parts of our film that will be too scary for youngers to watch.    
When we were also deciding our target audience, i looked at a relevant film called 'Scream 3', this film had a relevant story line and relates to our film a lot. i looked online on IMDB to look at the ratings and statistics of the film. The Film had a gender rating of 52% male and 48% female, it also had a 15-35 year target audience. So we looked at these statistics and thought they were relevant to our short film opening, so we used basically the same statistics for our film. 
Woman in Black:

10th February 2012
Horror, Drama, Thriller
Estimated box office:
James Watkins
Film cast:
Daniel Radcliffe, Gabriel Liotta, Ciaran Hinds, Janet McTeer
Momentum Pictures
The Story:
A young lawyer travels to a remote village to organize a recently deceased client's papers,
 where he discovers the ghost of a scorned woman set on vengeance.


13th August 2004
Action, Thriller
Estimated box office:
Paul Greengrass
Film cast:
Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Julia Stiles, Brian Cox
The Story:
In this follow up to 2002's hit thriller "THE BOURNE IDENTITY," Matt Damon
returns as the amnesiac super-assassin known as Jason Bourne. When a
sabotaged CIA operation in Berlin ends with two men dead and Bourne framed as
the killer, the "real" Bourne must emerge from hiding to find the actual culprit.
Other returnees from the original film include Franka ("THE PRINCESS AND THE
WARRIOR") Potente, Brian ("TROY") Cox, Julia ("MONA LISA SMILE") Stiles,
and Gabriel ("BUFFALO SOLDIERS") Mann, with Joan ("THE NOTEBOOK")
Allen and Karl ("LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING") Urban joining
the cast for this installment. Paul Greengrass, helmer of 2002's critically acclaimed
"BLOODY SUNDAY", takes over directing chores from the first film's Doug Liman.


23rd September 2011
Action, Drama
Estimated box office:
Nicolas Winding Refn
Film cast:
Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Christina Hendricks
Icon Films
The Story:
A nameless Hollywood stuntman moonlights as a freelance getaway driver
during robberies but when a bank heist goes wrong, he ends up on the run with
a contract on his head and an ex-con’s girlfriend in his car.

Age group: 15+
Gender ratio:  Equal to both
Male and Female
Hobbies/interests:  Sports, Shopping,
Listening to music,
Reading, Gaming,
Watching films
          Area they live: Cities, Towns,
        Estates, Flats
    Occupation: Shops, Restaurants, 
        Hotels, Shoe
                                                                                               Social Status: Any type of Social
  Economic Status: Any type of 
  Social Status

Letter Of Consent/Permission/Access

As we had to film and re-film we had to ask permission twice.
We had to ask if we could get all of our characters and people in the team to get round to Henrys house at around 8o'clock when it gets dark.

Henrys parents said it was fine to film at around then.

Henry got his mum to write a short letter to say we could, the letter said:

'Yes, it is fine for the boys to come and film at our house, there is no problem. The house is free for the boys any time as it goes towards their final grade in the summer.'

Wednesday 28 March 2012

'A Nightmare on Elm Street' Opening Scene Analysis

The scene starts off with a tracking shot of someone’s feet walking. You do not see the persons face in this part; this is done purposely to build up suspense of who the character might be, and also to give an indication that this person could be an evil character, this is typical of a horror genre.  It then shows a close up of a woman, this clearly shows he facial expression, that she is scared. It cuts to a long shot of the woman running down a corridor. More tracking shots are used to show the woman’s path as she is searching for a way out.

All you can hear at the start is the diegetic sound of the man constructing his glove, and also the water drops from within the factory. There is also non-diegetic music that kicks in near the start, this music is tense, and eerie, and is designed to put the viewer/audience in a state of unease. There are random diegetic sounds such as cackles of laughter here and there, this is a cliché and is common within the horror genre. You hear the noises of the factory throughout the scene.

The scene is set in what seems to be an abandoned factory, this is stereotypical and is a cliché of the horror genre, as scenes are often set in places where the victim in the only one in the building. The clothing of the woman in the scene is in keeping with the storyline as she is supposed to be asleep and she is in her pyjamas. There is an indication near the start of the dream that it is just a dream and not reality, this is due to the fact that the woman starts off in a white room, which is unrealistic and is a clear indication to the audience.

At the start of the opening scene there are a mixture of long shot durations and short shot durations. The short shot durations are used when the cuts are quick; this is to show the different steps of the glove being made. A number of different match on action and POV shots to show what the person is doing are also used near the start.

In this opening scene, overused horror conventions have now become cliché’s.

The Goodfellas 9 shot analysis.

Shot 1: This shot shows a man being tied up in the boot of a car left to die. This shot shows that the men that did this are bad people, and builds suspense as the audience want to know who this mad tied up is.

Shot 2: This shot is a long shot showing all the gangsters in the local neighbourhood, doing what they please without anybody hassling them to move. This shows the life of a gangster in a good way, which is what the main character wants his life to be like. This gives an understanding of the main character.

Shot 3: This shot is a medium close up shot. this shows the expressions and body language of the man. The dialogue in this shot and the expressions and body language of the man show that he is the boss of everyone around that neighbourhood.

Shot 4: This shot shows a dad beating up his own child. This shot shows that the law on physical abuse for punishment on children wasn't as strict as it is today, it gives an image of what life was like back in that era.

Shot 5: This shot shows a close up of the mail mans face as he is being tortured by the gangsters. This shot shows us that the gangsters that the boy is running with, will do anything to keep their business open. This shot also shows what times and people were like back in that era.

Shot 6: This shot shows that the main gangster 'Paulie' didn't like having phones and only had one on one conversations. Also, whatever he said goes, so in the thumbnail this shows the boy smashing car windows, he's only doing this because Paulie told him too.

Shot 7: This shot shows exactly what the gangsters can do at the click of their fingers and get away with it. This adds suspense and confusion on why the gangsters blew up these cars as no dialogue about this was said.

 Shot 8: This shot shows that the boy is now looking the part of a gangster. it also shows his mothers reaction, which is unimpressed and emotional. This shows that the boy had to do this in secret otherwise it would let his mum down further.

Shot 9: This show shows the first time the boy gangster has witnessed someone that was shot. It shows that he is calm about it and has to listen to the boss to get what he needs and to close the door so no authorities or other gangsters know where they are. This shows a standard gangsters life.

Editing Process

Today is our first opportunity to start editing as a group as we have finally finished all of our filming and can finally get it all together. We have spent a lot of time watching the footage and deciding which take we should use and why that shot is better than another shot, to ensure that the continuity was perfect. 

We then had to watch the beginning of our footage, and using our storyboard for reference to make sure everything was right. As we changed our idea we had to make another storyboard to show what changes we had made and how this was going to effect the filming.
Although changing our original idea was an inconvenience it was definitely the right decision to make. 

After editing this small amount of footage we have got taster of what it is like to edit an opening sequence. We are finding it very hard but enjoyable at the same time enjoyable and looking forward to seeing the final outcome.

Filiming Routine

Filming Routine

We have decided to film every Monday & Wednesday evenings.

Se7en Opening Credits

As part of our research on opening sequences, we looked at the editing techniques in a film that inspired us, and that was the movie 'Se7en'. This is a extremely unique way of using opening credits.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Risk Assessment.

Potential risk/hazard
Level of risk (L,M,H)
Action needed to minimise risk.
Outside on the pavement.
Cars could veer off the road in the dark and hit one of the characters.
We would make sure we are as far from the road as possible and make sure the character doesn’t have to step on the roads.
Our main character could have fallen down the set of stairs.
We made sure that there were no objects in the way obstructing the characters path.
There is a ledge when walking down the set of stairs where you could hit your head on.
We made sure that the characters ducked if the characters head could reach the ledge.
As the lights would be off, the character could stand on something, stub their toe etc.
We made sure that there where no objects on the floor for the character to stand on.
Outside the bedroom door
One of our characters will be wielding a knife and will thrust it down.
We would make sure that the knife is securely held, and the knife doesn’t come too close to the other character.

Target Audience Questionnaire

Target Audience Questionnaire


What is your favourite movie genre?

Comedy - 5
Thriller - 5
Action - 4
Sci-Fi - 1

How often do you watch films?

1-2 a Month - 8
1-2 a Week - 4
Everyday - 3

Examples of thrillers that you have watched:

The Italian Job, x1
Taken, x2
The Goodfellas x4

Do you spend more than £30 a month at the cinema

Yes - 13

No - 2

How old are you?

15 -  3

16 - 5

17 - 7

Where would the money come from if you were to go to the cinema?

- Parents - 7
- Yourself - 4
- Elsewhere - 4

How would you get to a local cinema

- Bus 0
- Train 4
- Walk 1
- Cycle 2
- Car 8

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Change of idea

We decided to change our initial idea after watching our first idea we made. We thought about our idea and realised we needed to build up more suspense, and a wider variety of shots. The idea was good but the way we filmed it was not up to our standards. We decided to completely change our film opening, we as a group decided that we were going to film the whole film opening at night and build more suspense to fit the genre and the plan that we had in our head from the beginning. We will add more music to add suspense and use better shots and continuity.